Monirée Varahramyan, LPC

Monirée Varahramyan, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

Does this sound familiar?

    • Feeling tense and uneasy, or having fearful thoughts and worries?
    • Struggling with patterns and behaviors that feel out of balance?
    • Feeling like you don’t belong or there’s something wrong with you?

I Can Help.

    • I exude warmth, compassion, curiosity, hopefulness, and a deep trust in your healing capacity.
    • I have been given the feedback by clients that they experience me as fully present with them in a way that feels unique.
    • In our work together, I will guide and accompany you in a gentle process of turning toward yourself with mindful attention, learning about the patterns of your mind and body, and discovering and creating new patterns that are in alignment with your hopes for yourself.

What can you expect?

      • Release of burdens from the past and healing of emotional wounds and the effects of trauma
      • Greater sense of balance and nervous system regulation
      • Increased access to calmness, curiosity, clarity, self-compassion, connectedness, and playfulness