There is something very grounding and calming about having a predictable schedule.
It’s a common misconception that only children thrive on routine, but that is not the case. Teens and adults do as well.
Structure can help reduce the need to be constantly making decisions, which can help prevent anxiety.
Now, you may be thinking to yourself, “I’d love to get started but have no idea where to begin.”
Well, you’re in the right place. Keep on reading.
What Would Your Ideal Day Look Like?
Before we get started, here’s something for you to think about.
If you were to plan your ideal day from start to finish, what would it like?
When would you wake up?
What would you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
How would you make your chores more fun?
What time would you go to bed?
Okay, once you have thought about what your ideal day would look like, take some time to think about how you can make those wishes a reality.
What Are Your Goals This Week?
Planning your day is one thing; planning your week is something else.
No matter how organized and predictable your days might be, there will always be little things that come up last minute we have no control over.
That’s where weekly planning comes into play.
Your weekly list should include items that are important but can easily be pushed back a day or two if something comes up.
Every Sunday night or Monday morning, set aside a few minutes to jot down five things you would love to get done one day that week. It also never hurts to give yourself some buffer time, in case something takes longer than anticipated.
Just because a goal or habit may sound great in theory doesn’t mean it’s great for you.
You know yourself better than anyone. If something in your routine feels off or just isn’t working, it may be time to walk away or go about it in a new way.
Re-evaluating is not the same as quitting!