
How To Adjust To A New Year And New Transitions

There are quite a handful of things in life we can’t control. Change and time are two of those things.

The start of a new year can often feel like a time of transition.

We may not know exactly what lies ahead but can control our attitude and outlook towards it. 

Develop a Sense of Agency

Do you ever feel a little lost going through the motions?

It’s so easy to feel like life is happening to us. But that is not the case.

You have a say in where you want to go in life.

You can make your own changes, both big and small.

Seek Gratitude

Practicing gratitue on a regular basis can help put several situations into perspective.

There is always something to be grateful for. You just have to know where to look. Practice noticing small events of appreciation once in a while.

Before you know it, it will become a habit. 

Be Present

There is no time like the present! Change and transition are inevitable.

Nothing we say or do will change what happened yesterday.

The only moment that matters right now is this very moment.

Time flies so fast – exactly why it is so important to appreciate every moment for what it is. 

“Your life is a story of transition. You are always leaving one chapter behind while moving on to the next.” – Anonymous

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How To Better Understand And Manage Holiday Season Stress

The holiday season is typically known as “the most wonderful time of the year.” 

Spending time with family, attending dinners and picking out gifts can be a lot of fun – but can also be stressful and tiring. 

Practicing self care is essential 365 days a year. 

However – it is much more important during busy and/or stressful events such as the holidays. 

If you feel like you are taking on too much or need a break, it’s okay to respect your body’s limits. 

Not sure how or where to begin? Keep on reading. 

Accept Your Needs

It’s so important to carve out time for self care.

We are all human and can only go so long without taking a break. 

If a friend or family member asks you to do something, it’s okay to say no if you don’t think you can handle it.

Regularly check in with yourself and think about your needs and wants. 

If a certain activity brings you joy, keep on doing it.

And if a certain activity brings on stress, it may be time to walk away or at least cutback. 

Taking Shortcuts

Believe it or not, shortcuts are absolutely okay and even encouraged in certain situations.

If you feel like you have too much on your plate, you can certainly ask for help or scale back on commitments.

Focus on Your Breathing

Whether you’re feeling relaxed, overwhelmed or an emotion in between, taking slow deep breaths regularly is key. 

Carving out a few minutes a day to sit down and do nothing other than focus on your breathing can help reduce stress and bring on a new sense of calm.

You can practice deep breathing anytime and anywhere. 

The more you practice, the sooner it will become a habit. 

“There are times when we stop, we sit still. We listen and breezes from a whole other world begin to whisper.” —James Carroll

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Ready to Become a Better Sleeper?

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Falling asleep is one thing. Staying asleep is something else. 

Our habits are the key to getting a good night’s rest night after night. Keep on reading to learn more. 

Reduce Light And Noise 

Light and movement are common disrupters of sleep. 

To block out the light, you can invest in some blackout curtains or an eye mask. 

When it comes to reducing noise, you can use earplugs or experiment with white noise. 

Playing soothing sounds can block out any unwanted noise and keep your mind calm before bed. 

Sleep Hygiene

Your evening habits have a huge impact on the quality of your sleep. 

It’s very important to listen to your body and allow it to wind down appropriately before bed. 

Most of us can’t walk through the front door at the end of the day and fall asleep right away. Most of us need to participate in some sort of relaxing activity first.

It may take some time to find an activity you like – however you can try journaling, reading a book or soaking in the tub. 

Follow A Sleep Schedule 

Our bodies thrive on routine – so having a consistent schedule both on the weekdays and weekends is so important. 

Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can train your body, so it will anticipate when it’s time for bed.

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National Diversity Week: October 1-7

October is a time to celebrate different cultures, races, and ethnicities in our community. With National Diversity Week starting from October 1-7 it’s important to spread awareness and honor the value of what each individual person has to offer. 

Since this national event was founded in 1998, it has helped shine a light on the diverse groups of people in the world around us and highlight their different perspectives.

Diversity is important from several different angles.  From a social justice perspective, it is important to address the barriers that have led to unequal opportunities for people of color, both historically and currently.  From an organizational perspective, businesses that reflect the diversity in the communities they serve will be stronger and more effective.

This week is also a time to have an open discussion about the biases and stereotypes presented in our society so that we can work to break down these barriers. Being open to listen and learn about the diversity that surrounds you every day can give you insight and create mutual respect across cultures. 

When you work to understand someone else in your workplace, classroom, or community, it brings us all closer together. We encourage you to speak to other people with cultures that differ from your own, watch videos about diversity, or read educational books. 

If you want to learn more about National Diversity Week, you can check out some of these helpful resources. 

Defining Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Online Resources for Diverse Children’s Literature

How To Be An Ally

From The Inside Out: Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging | TedTalk

We All Have Bad Days

We’ve all had those days where it feels like nothing goes our way.

You know, those days where we forgot to set our alarm clock, or accidentally sent an important email with typos…

When something goes wrong, sometimes it can feel like you took a step back.

But you know what? It doesn’t have to feel that way. You have it in you to turn a bad day into a great one. 

Take Away The Power

The truth is bad days will come.

But they will also go. 

You don’t have to let a bad day weigh on your mind for days. 

Reminding yourself that these days don’t last forever can take that power away. 

Living in the present and taking each situation head-on can help you see that those bad days have some good in them too.

Escape Expectations 

High expectations and running into tough challenges are not exactly a winning combination. 

Meaning that a mistake or setback can feel even worse if you went into the day hoping for it to be perfect. 

Try reframing your expectations instead, and you will see that there isn’t an obstacle you can’t overcome. 

Accept that you are human, and there will be times when you fall. 

But you know what? You can still get right back up afterwards. 

Set your expectations around the phrase “I tried my best” and cut yourself some slack. 

Just be proud of knowing that you gave the day your all. 

Enjoy The Detour 

Each day is a new beginning that allows you to grow further into the person you are. 

So, think about a bad day more like a mini detour on your path to success rather than a roadblock.

Even if you don’t get to your destination today, you can still take time to enjoy the view. 

It’s when you look at the bigger picture that you start to take joy in the detours. 

Every bad day comes along with a life lesson and can help you appreciate the good days even more. 

There is strength in every struggle!

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