wellness calendar

From Lost to Found: How to Find Yourself in Your 20s

Welcome to the exhilarating world of your 20s!

This transformative phase of life is filled with endless possibilities and opportunities for growth. It’s a time when you embark on the journey of self-discovery, navigate through the twists and turns, build meaningful relationships, and make important life decisions. 

But as you navigate through the pressures and uncertainties that come with this pivotal decade, it’s crucial to stay grounded, accept change, prioritize self-care, and trust in your own journey. 

Whether finding your purpose, building resilience, cultivating healthy relationships, or embracing change, buckle up and get ready to dive into the exciting self-discovery journey ahead!

Don’t Stress About Your 5-Year Plan

We’ve all looked back at our high school years and wished we had made different choices. But guess what? The same goes for our 20s! 

Instead of getting caught up in the what-ifs and maybes, focus on the present moment. This is your time to shine, explore, and build a rock-solid relationship with the most crucial person in your life—yourself!

So, dive headfirst into the glorious chaos of your 20s. It’s time to make memories, embrace uncertainty, make bold choices, and create a future you’ll look back on with pride.    

Express Yourself and Let Your Words Be Heard 

Remember, you have the right to be heard, respected, and valued. So speak up, and let your authentic voice shine.  

Your thoughts, feelings, and opinions matter, and expressing them is vital to your personal journey. Always remember to establish clear boundaries to protect your mental and emotional well-being.

Now take charge of your mental and emotional well-being by defining what is acceptable, and don’t hesitate to assert those boundaries and stand up for yourself.

Live Life On Your Terms 

Your story is one-of-a-kind, filled with twists and turns. So embrace every chapter, the highs and the lows, and everything in between.

If it doesn’t light your fire, break free! Who cares what others think? It’s your life, your rules, and your time to shine. Step out of that line and dance to the beat of your own heart.

Lastly, don’t chase money – it isn’t the ultimate prize! Instead, seek something far more significant—truth, meaning, and fulfillment. Find joy in the simple things, follow your passions, and let your heart guide you to a life rich with purpose.

Trust The Process

Patience is the name of the game! All your dreams won’t magically come true overnight, so embrace the journey and trust that everything will fall into place in due time.

Take every opportunity to learn, explore, and step out of your comfort zone. Experience the lessons that come your way, even with a few bumps and bruises, for they are shaping you into the amazing person you’re destined to become.

It’s also okay to take risks and make mistakes along the way. That’s how you learn and grow. So, hand tight – enjoy the adventure, seize the opportunities, and keep believing in yourself. 

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Join us November 13th for a Celebration for World Kindness Day

Join us for a fun outdoor celebration of World Kindness Day, Saturday November 13th at 12pm-2pm.

This will be held outside of our Wellness Center (1531 Pearl St), rain or shine.

Join Jen Champion and friends  for yoga tips, guided meditation, and a sound meditation

There will also be raffles for prizes as well as tea and snacks.

Contact: jchampion@vistapsych.com with any questions


Yoga Class Schedule (online & in person)

Register For Our In-Person and Online Yoga Classes 

The Wellness Center offers a mix of online and in-person classes.  In-person classes are small group (5 or less) classes that can be tailored to the needs of those present.  Please click here to book a class.

Check out our instructors’ bios here to find one that is a good match for you


9:30am Wake Up Well Yoga with Amalia (Live Stream)

  • Brush off the cobwebs and ease your way into the day. Explore movement, breathing techniques, and meditative practices to help you wake up and transition into the flow of your week with intention. 

5pm Strengthen & Lengthen Yoga with Jen  (Live Stream)

  • Practice basic poses and intermediate postures with variations to build strength, breath capacity and peace of mind. Students will stabilize, stretch, and enjoy a well-rounded practice with breath-aligned movement and guided relaxation. Practitioners should be able to move up and down from the floor. Appropriate for those familiar with the basics including names of poses and core activation for safety and stability.

6:15pm Root & Rise–Yoga Basics with Jen   (In person)

  • Practice breathing techniques, warmups, and basic postures to strengthen your core muscles and gain flexibility. Enjoy movements and shapes that support a stable and comfortable experience. Ground and root with core activation and lengthen and rise with grace and ease. Props are encouraged, including books or blocks, blankets, cushions, and a chair. Practitioners should be able to move up and down from the floor with the support of a chair. Suitable for beginners.


10am Chair yoga with Jen (Live Stream)

  • Practice seated and standing postures with the support of a chair. Options are offered to encourage students to find a balance between ease and effort. Class is active and restorative with guided relaxation concluding the practice for a tranquil mind. Practitioners should use an armless chair on a non-slip surface.
    All levels are welcome, especially good for those new to yoga, seniors, and those returning to yoga.

12pm Mid Day Reset Yoga with Jen (Live Stream)

  • Unwind and energize as you flow through an endurance-building practice. Move through your day recharged with a fresh perspective and increased vitality. Practitioners must be able to get up and down from the floor. Appropriate for those familiar with the basics including names of poses and core activation for safety and stability.

5:30pm Energizing Elixir Yoga with Jen (In Person)

  • An invigorating practice with longer holdings and fluid transitions between postures to help increase confidence and stamina. Gain energy and momentum to carry you forward. Practitioners should be able to move up and down from the floor. Appropriate for those familiar with the basics including names of poses and core activation for safety and stability.


6:15pm Mid Week Morale Booster with Jen (In person)

  • Nurture yourself in a soothing practice with gentle movements, guided relaxation, and meditation. Relax muscular and mental tensions, boost your vitality, and roll with ease through the rest of your week. Practitioners should be able to move up and down from the floor with support of a chair. All levels are welcome.


9:30am Chair Yoga with Jen (Live Stream)

  • Practice seated and standing postures with the support of a chair. Options are offered to encourage students to find a balance between ease and effort. Class is active and restorative with guided relaxation concluding the practice for a tranquil mind. Practitioners should use an armless chair on a non-slip surface.
    All levels are welcome, especially good for those new to yoga, seniors, and those returning to yoga.

12pm  Gentle Yoga with Amalia (In Person)

  • Meet yourself where you are. This class includes seated and supported postures that can be done with a chair or at a wall for increased balance and stability. Build strength, confidence, and increase calm. 


12pm  Reflect and Restore Yoga with Amalia (Live Stream)

  • Unwind from the week, or simply savor a slow down. Yoga offers a space to listen to your body and learn from its cues. Within a culture that teaches us to look for lack, where might we find our own abundance? Meditation, mantra, pranayama and yogic philosophy are all powerful tools of inquiry for how we relate to ourselves and our world. 
How to Master Positive Self Talk

Introduction to Yoga Fundamentals Class (*New* )


Starting Monday October 11th at 6:15 pm, join Jen Champion for a new class to guide you through the fundamentals for beginning yoga.

Enjoy learning elements, techniques, and practices that will guide you to develop a “yoga your way” personal practice.

This class will feature easily accessible breath and movement practices to help you feel connected to yourself and your intentions, while also learning how to safely execute the basic poses. Practice moving through postures with calm and clarity while you explore and develop your capacity to maintain wellness. This class will allow you to explore your full potential to enhance your mind, body, spirit and community.

Class is held online via zoom and is currently being offered for free.  You do need to register and then can attend every class or drop-in as you are able.

Jen has been sharing yoga with a variety of students for 18 years. She is here to meet you where you are and provide attainable and sustainable yoga offerings.




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Introducing The Act to Reduce Stress Group (ACT)

Tune in as Julie and April chat all about their ACT to Reduce Stress Group.

ACT stands for Acceptance & Commitment Therapy and is designed for anyone who is interesting in managing their stress better and engaging in activities that fit with their values.

If you’ve been feeling a little stuck, anxious or on edge, this is the group for you.

If you are interested in learning more please contact us: https://vistapsych.com/contact/eugene/

*New* Strong Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class



Amalia teaches this class which is faster-paced and a more cardiovascular practice than Hatha or slow flow. This class features fluid transitions between poses and longer linked sequences of poses to develop strength, stamina and balance. Students will have opportunities to explore binds, inversions and a range of backbends. Familiarity with yoga asana is recommended. Not suitable for beginners.

Class is on Zoom and is free at this time, but will you need to register

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Kids Yoga: Movement & Mindfulness Webinar for K – 5th Grade

This class is no longer occuring, but you may find videos of previous classes on our You Tube channel

A weekly live webinar with Jen Champion for kindergarten to 5th graders to help them become more aware of their emotions as well as working on ways to calm themselves.  She will guide children through age appropriate breathing, meditation and movement exercises to help find calm balance and inner peace during times of stress.

Movement is geared toward all fitness levels and can be done standing or seated for children who need modifications.