
Narcan: Between Life and Overdose

By: Christina Bein 

In the state of Oregon, access to Narcan, also known as naloxone, is relatively straightforward and is intended to help save the lives of individuals who have overdosed on opioids. Narcan is a medication that can rapidly reverse the effects of opioid overdose, such as slowed breathing or unconsciousness.

Here is a simple explanation of how access to Narcan works in Oregon and who it is intended for:

Availability: Narcan is available without a prescription at many pharmacies in Oregon. This means that you can walk into a participating pharmacy and request Narcan without needing a Doctors  prescription.

Pharmacist Assistance: Pharmacists are often trained to provide education on how to administer Narcan effectively. They can also help you choose the appropriate form of Narcan, whether it's a nasal spray or injectable, and provide instructions on its use.

Community Distribution: In addition to pharmacies, Narcan is sometimes distributed through community programs, harm reduction organizations, and health departments. These programs aim to make Narcan readily available to individuals who may be at risk of opioid overdose or those who are in a position to help someone in need.

Good Samaritan Laws: Oregon, like many other states, has Good Samaritan laws that protect individuals who administer Narcan to someone experiencing an opioid overdose. This means that if you’re trying to help someone by using Narcan, you are generally protected from legal liability.

Narcan is helpful to people because it can reverse the life-threatening effects of opioid overdose quickly. Opioid overdoses can cause respiratory depression, which can lead to death if left untreated. Narcan works by blocking the effects of opioids in the brain and restoring normal breathing, giving emergency medical help more time to arrive. It's a crucial tool in preventing opioid-related fatalities.

It is absolutely appropriate for people to access and use Narcan to help others who need it. It can make the difference between life and death in the case of an opioid overdose. Many states, including Oregon, encourage individuals to carry Narcan, especially if they have a loved one at risk of opioid overdose or if they are part of a community where opioid misuse is a concern. Quick administration of Narcan can save lives, and is an essential part of harm reduction efforts aimed at reducing the devastating impact of opioid overdoses.

More information here.