
Attitude, Action, and Abundance

By: Jen Champion 

“Affluence, unboundedness, and abundance are our natural states. We need only to restore the memory of what we already know.” ~ Deepak Chopra

Close your eyes. Focus on what abundance looks like to you. Is it an overflowing number of friends, money, and travel opportunities?

Does it contain a new car, a promotion, or better care of your current possessions, health, and family?

Our ideas of abundance can differ through our stages of life, but understanding and practicing how to live an abundant life remains the same.

We are gifted joy and fulfillment when born, and we must stay acquainted with attitudes and actions illuminating the journey. Our attitudes and actions are shaped by our experiences along the way. Areas in the path may remain easy to access, and some will get cluttered and need to be redesigned and redirected for a well-maintained passage to joy, the treasure in our hearts.

To help us along the way, here are a few questions to consider and affirmations to practice. May you have patience and ease in your journey to the wellspring of joy in your heart, the source of your abundance.

Eliminate words and actions that demean your self-worth. What words can you remove that devalue you and others? Affirmation: I live in abundance.

Do not compare yourself with others. Do you worry about what others think of you?  Affirmation: I am secure with my self-esteem. I live in abundance.

Make time to pause and rest when you don’t have enough endurance to fulfill something. Know your capacity and be honest without feeling guilty.Affirmation: I take time to rest so I can do my best. I am secure with my self-esteem. I live in abundance.

Replenish your wellspring of vitality. Do not deplete it with attitudes and actions that steal your glory. What unhealthy habits can you remove from yourself? What fulfills you? Affirmation: I am filled with good health and joy. I take time to rest so I can do my best. I am secure with my self-esteem. I live in abundance.

Practice Reciprocity; taking something and giving something.

Where do you feel you have an abundance of something? Can you offer a compliment or thank you more often?

Affirmation: I will share and serve. I am filled with good health and joy. I take time to rest so I can do my best.

I am secure with my self-esteem. I live in abundance. Focus, intention, and visualization convince our brains that we will achieve our goal, creating a greater chance of success in the action. Scientific research confirms that affirmations, visualizations, and meditations help us change our brain’s patterns, as the brain does not distinguish between an action and a visualization.

The practice of seeing is believing changes the neuroplasticity of our brains. They grow and adapt to our experiences.

Over time, we can reshape the grooves of our brains and create new neurons and connections in ways that support the whole self and the manifestation of abundance. We can explore beyond our current consciousness and expand our unconscious in this space.

As our joy and abundance grow, we connect deeper with ourselves, our families, our workplaces, and our community. Our collective consciousness and actions raise and empower each other. We restore and rejuvenate, and limitations and feelings of depletion dissipate.

We are gifts of nature with an inherent joyful spirit connected with all creation. Daily routines aligned with attitudes and actions of gratitude and joy reveal our treasure in the heart.

Once we remember the resource of our wellsprings, we will live with more ease and grace. With the brilliance of every human, caring for each other and our planet, we have the potential to end the wars and restore our sweet mother earth.

May this visualization practice deepen our affirmations and manifest transformation.

Affirmations:  I will share and serve. I am filled with good health and joy. I am taking time to rest so I can do my best. I am secure with my self-esteem. I live in abundance.

Get into a comfortable position where you will not be disturbed. Rest your eyes. Go through these phrases:

I am aware of my body and breath at this moment.

I am relaxing and feel safe.

My affirmation strengthens my intention.

I have a mental picture of my goal. I see myself in the experience.

I know this scene in detail. My environment is safe and full of opportunities to live this goal.

I engage my senses as deeply as possible. Repeat affirmation. Open to feeling abundant in your whole body.

Rest in this space as long as you can and embrace your abundance.