
By: Mindy Laroco

When someone has hurt us, we often think about how we would like an apology from them. But what exactly is an apology? Just like “love” or “forgiveness,” the word apology can have many different definitions based on who you ask. 

While some may feel that the words “I’m sorry” are sufficient for them to move on from conflict or misunderstandings with others, others may feel that those words need to be accompanied by action. In relationships, it can be very helpful to know how you and others like to give/receive apologies in order to grow and move through conflict. 

Consider these reflection questions to help you navigate your anatomy of an apology looks like: 

  • Think about times when you have had to apologize to someone. What did you say? Was naming changes that you could make in the future something you included? 
  • How do you like to receive apologies? Is hearing “I’m sorry” all that you need to hear to move on? Would you like to hear how their behavior may be changed in the future from the person apologizing to you? 
  • How important is accountability to you when it comes to either giving or receiving an apology? 

You can also take this quiz to help you understand what your apology language is and share it with loved ones to learn more about theirs!