
The Twists And Turns of Parenting a Teen

There is no super-secret manual for parenting a teen, and it can certainly be a confusing time for the entire family. 

Here are a few tips that can help you get through the unexpected twists and turns of parenting a teen. 

Be Prepared

Being a teen is far from easy. Their brain is not fully developed, and everything from school to friendships to dating to figuring out who they are can be very stressful. 

It’s normal for teens to experience mood swings and say things they don’t mean in the heat of the moment. 

Being prepared and having a game plan ahead of time can be a big help. 

Pick Your Battles

All family members disagree from time to time. Life would be pretty boring if we all agreed on everything, right?

It’s only a matter of time until your teen does something you don’t think is wise, such as staying up too late on a school night or quitting an after-school activity.

Even though you may not agree with their decisions, sometimes the best thing you can do is let them be independent and learn from their mistakes first hand. 

Some of the best lessons happen through experiences. 

Realize And Empathize

Do you remember what it was like to be a teenager? 

Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. 

Getting into a fight with a friend or getting a bad grade on a test can be quite stressful. 

Now, you know that in a few days everything will be fine and back to normal…

But their mind may be spinning in several different directions, immediately jumping to the worst-case scenario. 

Do you remember what those days were like and how you felt?

When you are upset, hearing your parents say everything will be fine isn’t always enough.

If that’s the case, you can open up and let them know how you dealt with similar events when you were a teen and how feelings come and go.

Knowing that they are not alone can help put things in perspective. 

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Some Resolutions Are Meant to be Broken


Most of us usually start thinking about our New Year’s Resolutions mid-December and get this burst of excitement and energy!

But by the time February rolls around, half of your excitment (if not more) seems to have flown out the window.

We get it. Those situations can often make us feel frustrated and discouraged.

But you know what? Broken resolutions do not have to be a bad thing. In fact, they can be a very good thing. Keep on reading to learn more.

Why Broken Resolutions Can be a Good Thing

Broken resolutions are nothing to feel guilty about.

You have two choices.

You can either feel bad about the situation. Or you can take it as a learning experience. 

Some people tend to come up with way too many resolutions or set unrealistic expectations.

Putting unrealistic goals on pause will allow you to put more energy towards the one or two goals that will make the biggest difference in your life. 

How to Prioritize

You are only one person and can only work on so many things at once.

Adding more tasks to your plate may seem like a good idea in theory, but it actually is not.

When there is so much going on, it’s very tough to prioritize tasks in order of importance and realize what tasks should be done first, what tasks should be done second, and which tasks shouldn’t be done at all.

Ideally, you should pick one or two things to work on at once, and once those tasks are complete, you can move onto the next thing.

What Works For Someone May Not Work For You

It’s easy to add certain resolutions to your list because your friends told you to or because you think you’re supposed to.

We are so different, and all have different goals. Just because a resolution may sound good in theory doesn’t mean it makes sense for you.

Here’s an example.

Let’s say, you’d like to start waking up early to jog before work.

That sounds like a great goal! The only thing is, you have always been a night owl and can’t remember the last time you woke up before 8 AM. 

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a night person.

It doesn’t mean you not productive. It just means you have more energy and focus better at night.

Making drastic changes to your sleeping schedule and lifestyle can be done, but it should be done slowly.

Instead of feeling bad about not being able to wake up early, just slightly adjust the goal.

You can either jog on your lunch break or after dinner when you have more energy.

Remember – a broken resolution is nothing but an opportunity to learn more about yourself.

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How to Calm Down Your Anxious Child

Do you ever feel like nothing you say or do can help your child calm down? If so, you’re in the right place. Here are a few ways you can help manage your child’s anxiety.


When a child is anxious, it’s typical for them to take fast and shallow breaths, which can actually make their anxiety worse.

Now, if your child is having trouble with their breathing, you can practice with them.

Show them how to breathe in through their nose and out through their mouth at a slow pace.

Narrow Focus

If your child has a great imagination, this may be the technique for them.

Simply ask them to imagine their happy place.

What is a happy place, you ask?

It’s a place they feel comfortable, relaxed and of course happy.

If they want to go the extra mile, they can even draw their happy place! Your fridge can never have too much artwork, after all.

Embrace Humor

Never underestimate the power of a good laugh.

Whether your little one likes to tell jokes, play games, or watch a funny show, every bit of laughter helps.

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How To Keep Your Kids Excited About School

Did you know when kids are excited to learn, they do better in school? Here are a few ways parents can keep their kids excitement going all year round.

Be a Role Model

Having your child see you excited to learn is key!

The next time you learn something new, don’t keep it to yourself. Instead share your findings with your child. Show them your enthusiasm for learning – it is contagious after all.

Read Together

It’s never too early to introduce your child to books.

Being a good reader will help your child build their confidence both in school and in life.

Set up a Designated Homework Area

Our environment can make or break our overall concentration and productivity levels.

Everything from your child’s toys and electronics can be very distracting.

That doesn’t mean you have to get rid of them. It just means they can’t be used during homework time.

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Teaching Your Child How to Forgive

Teaching Your Child How to Forgive

Forgiveness: Teaching your child about forgiveness is very important for their social development. Here are a few tips you as a parent can start using as soon as today.

Teach Them About People: We are all equal. We all have feelings. “A person is a person no matter how small.” – Dr. Seuss

Kindness, Respect, and Generosity: Before explaining forgiveness to your child, ensure they understand what kindness, respect, and generosity actually mean. Being able to forgive someone, requires these character traits.

Start Early: Conflict is a part of life, and avoiding it can cause more harm than good. Teaching children healthy conflict resolution and forgiveness at a young age is extremely important. The sooner they start, the better.

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