
How To Feel Better When You’re Having a Hard Day

In life there will always be stressful events that are out of our hands. The good news is, you have the power to bounce back from setbacks and remember the good even when times are rough.

Here’s how…

Take Care Of Your Mind And Body

When life gets busy or stressful, we can often forget to take care of ourselves. 

Participating in physical activity and doing what you love is important all year round. But it is that much more important when you’re having a hard day.

Remember, one tough situation doesn’t have to set the tone for the entire day. Every day has the potential to be a great one. You just have to let it.

Have a Healthy Relationship With Social Media

Social media is a great way to stay in touch with family and friends while physical distancing.

However, passively scrolling through your feed can do more harm than good. There are many apps out there that can help you monitor your daily screen time. You can also designate phone-free time throughout the day and avoid using your phone during meals and before bed.

Meet Face to Face Six Feet Apart

Of course, social media, texting, and email are great tools

However, it’s much easier to have deep and meaningful conversations in person. With a little creativity there are plenty of ways you can have face to face conversations with your friends and family. Just be sure to stand at least 6 feet apart. Learn More

How to Deal With Anger

Anger is a basic human emotion we all experience. Sometimes it’s even good to be angry. It can help motivate us to get things done, and realize what we want.

However, experiencing too much anger can take a toll on your life – especially if expressed in unhealthy ways.

Here are a few anger management strategies that can help calm you down.

Know Your Triggers

We all have different things that make us angry. We just need to realize what those things are, so we can learn to deal with them.

Here’s an example.

Let’s say sitting in traffic tends you make you angry. If you know you have a big drive coming up, be sure to practice your anger management techniques before the trip.

This way you’ll be prepared and ready to face the road.

Know Your Warning Signs

For some, anger can come out of nowhere. But there are generally some warning signs that pop up such as sweating or shortness of breath.
Once you recognize the warning signs, you can take action to avoid any potential problems.

Walk Away

When you’re angry, sometimes the best thing you can do is walk away.

Don’t be afraid to put yourself first, and realize what’s more important…

Winning that heated debate, or staying calm.

By walking away you can calm down at your own pace, without any distractions.

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