For those of you who didn’t know already, we have taken our entire practice to online therapy.
Our mission is to help people deal with loneliness, boredom, isolation and anxiety about the future.
Vista Counseling is starting a new online resource called Connection During Coronavirus.
Right now, we are working on ways to connect with as many people as possible during this difficult time.
Connecting During Coronavirus will include online resources, live video classes, yoga classes and much more!
You can expect to learn how to adapt to uncertainty, change and loss.
Here are a handful of strategies you can start implementing right now…
Connect With Others:
Technology has come such a long way. We can text, call or video chat with people all over the world! Make an effort to call at least one friend a day.
Live In The Moment:
Be present. Breathe. Appreciate the world around you.
Take a Media Break:
It’s important to know what’s going on in the world. But too much of anything is not healthy. Don’t be afraid to take a media break.