Welcome back to movement and mindfulness with Jen Champion! We hope you enjoy the sweet and condensed class.
Love Your Low Back: Calming Yoga With Amalia Trieger
We hope you enjoy Calming Yoga with Amalia Trieger. The props that we’ll be using are two yoga blocks and a blanket. If you don’t have that at home, no need to worry. You can use whatever you have around the house.
So Ham Meditation: 6-12 Movement and Mindfulness With Jen Champion
Welcome to movement and mindfulness for grades 6 – 12 with Jen Champion. For this class, you will need your yoga mat, yoga blocks an empty wall space and/or a folding chair. Hope you enjoy!
Animal Parade: K-5 Movement and Mindfulness With Jen Champion
Welcome to K-5 movement and mindfulness with Jen Champion. For this class, you will need your yoga mat and an open heart! Hope you enjoy.
Talking To Children About Racism
Most children will start noticing physical differences in others and start asking questions around the age of three.
At that point, you can sit down with your child and start the conversation.
It’s never too early to teach your child about empathy and fairness.
Encourage them to think about and try to understand what someone else might be thinking or feeling. It may take some time for them to fully grasp what empathy means, but practice makes perfect.
Practicing empathy can also help your child establish friendships and work well with others.
There are so many excellent educational children’s books, movies, and shows out there. You can read books or watch programs with them. That way, you can easily answer any questions they may have and encourage conversation.
Be There And Listen:
Children get curious and love to ask questions. However, as kids get older, it’s common for them to go to their friends before you.
Establishing healthy and open communication at an early age will help them both now and later in life. Remind them that you are always there and there is no such thing as a stupid question.
Of course, parents don’t know everything. So, if your child ever comes to you with a question you don’t know the answer to, don’t push it aside. Instead the two of you can figure it out together.
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” —Barack Obama
What Your Teen Needs From You
You as a parent are your teen’s most important role model.
Everything you say and do impacts them in one way or another.
Of course, you want what’s best for your teen and there is no set in stone parenting handbook. However there are a handful of practices that can help both you and your teen thrive. Keep on reading to learn more.
The next time something happens, instead of jumping in to save the day, encourage your teen to build their own toolbox.
None of us are born resilient. It takes time, patience, and practice. Every obstacle your teen faces will make them stronger.
Keep in mind; you can still be there to listen, encourage, and support them – just try your best not to overstep. Every experience, both positive and negative, are learning opportunities. No matter how old we get, there is always more to learn.
Mindful Pausing:
Mindful pausing isn’t always easy. Although it is powerful, it can also be uncomfortable. It’s normal for teens to put their feelings to the side by staying busy.
However, the sooner we reflect upon and acknowledge our feelings, the sooner we can understand them.
Encourage your teen to hit the pause button and just be.
Every mindful pause helps remind us what matters most.
Inner Smile: Calming Yoga with Amalia Trieger
We hope you’ll join Amalia Trieger for some calming yoga!
“B” is for Balance: Mindfulness and Movement for K-5th Grade Kids With Jen Champion
We hope you’ll join yoga instructor Jen Champion’s “B” is for Balance class!
The Best Ways To Work From Home With A Toddler
If you have a toddler, you understand how difficult it can be to work from home. Now, it may be difficult – but not impossible. Keep on reading to learn more.
Wake Up Earlier:
Waking up earlier takes discipline and dedication, but it is so worth it.
Getting your most important work done early in the morning isn’t only a confidence booster, but you can pretty much guarantee little – no distractions.
A good productivity tip is to complete the more complicated tasks in the morning and the simpler tasks in the afternoon.
Nap Time Will Be Your Best Friend:
While your little one is napping, you can get some more work done, catch up on housework or take a much-needed break.
Remember, you deserve some me-time.
When we work too many hours in a row without a proper break, we are much more likely to make mistakes or experience burnout. Being at home allows you to get a little more creative with your breaks. You can shower, read a book or take a nap yourself.
Encourage Independent Play:
Independent playtime is a win-win for everyone.
If you like, you can set up a little play area with puzzles and dolls in your home office. That way, you can keep your eye on your little one and work at the same time.
Dr. Scott’s Tips For Bouncing Back After Losing Your Job: KCRA Sacramento Interview
It was so nice connecting with KCRA Sacramento and chatting all about how to bounce back after losing your job. If you want to learn Dr. Scott’s tips and tricks, please keep on reading.
Maintain A Consistent Routine:
Losing your job can certainly hit you hard, both financially and emotionally. Maintaining a consistent routine is so important. It will take motivation and discipline to stay on track, but it will be well worth it.
Before the pandemic started, most of us would have loved to have a bit more free time. However, too much free time is not healthy.
Writing out a basic to-do list before bed is an incredible habit to get into. When you wake up, you’ll have a set action plan and be ready to take on the day.
Searching For A Job:
Looking for a job can be overwhelming. You just need to be proactive and take it one day at a time. You can completely revamp and modernize your resume, conduct practice interviews with family, the list goes on.
Let’s say you apply to two jobs a day; in just one week’s time, you’ll have your resume on over a dozen employers desks.
There is so much opportunity out there. And who knows – you could land a job that has better hours, better pay, and more opportunity to grow.
Learn Something New:
What is one thing you’ve always wanted to learn, but never had the time? Maybe you want to learn a new language, improve your computer skills, or dive into a new field altogether. That one new skill can potentially open the door to new and improved career opportunities.
Nonprofits need our help now more than ever. Volunteering is extremely rewarding, can give you a sense of purpose, and of course, gives back to the community. You can also make some new friends and learn a thing or two in the process.
Ride the Waves : Mindfulness and Movement Class with Jen Champion
We hope you’ll join Jen Champion for a mindfulness and movement class all about riding the waves.
Mindfulness & Movement With Jen Champion
We hope you’ll join Jen Champion for a mindfulness and movement class.