The Best Ways To Work From Home With A Toddler

If you have a toddler, you understand how difficult it can be to work from home. Now, it may be difficult – but not impossible. Keep on reading to learn more. 

Wake Up Earlier: 

Waking up earlier takes discipline and dedication, but it is so worth it.

Getting your most important work done early in the morning isn’t only a confidence booster, but you can pretty much guarantee little – no distractions. 

A good productivity tip is to complete the more complicated tasks in the morning and the simpler tasks in the afternoon. 

Nap Time Will Be Your Best Friend:

While your little one is napping, you can get some more work done, catch up on housework or take a much-needed break.

Remember, you deserve some me-time.

When we work too many hours in a row without a proper break, we are much more likely to make mistakes or experience burnout. Being at home allows you to get a little more creative with your breaks. You can shower, read a book or take a nap yourself.

Encourage Independent Play:

Independent playtime is a win-win for everyone.

If you like, you can set up a little play area with puzzles and dolls in your home office. That way, you can keep your eye on your little one and work at the same time.

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