
Building Bridges

We live in a world that has become quite polarized. 

Despite the frustration that can come from interactions, there are positive things to learn from differing perspectives. Have you ever noticed that when you meet someone with a different viewpoint in person, rather than online, you have more empathy for their point of view? Taking the anonymity out of an interaction can help the other side seem more real.

Some guidelines for embracing diversity:

Have an open mind: If someone has a different outlook than you, take the time to hear them out and try to understand where they are coming from.

Show empathy: Try to get to know the person better without judgement.

Challenge stereotypes: Become more aware of the language you use to describe others. Is it accurate?

Share your beliefs: Try to share in a way that is non-judgemental to those with different beliefs.  Help people understand where you are coming from.

Accepting others as they are:

  • Increases your own personal growth.
  • Decreases resentments as you can focus on what is positive instead of what is negative.
  • Brings about closeness with others
  • Allows you to let go of control of the situation

Embracing the diversity in our society is how we can learn and grow. By accepting each other regardless of our differences, we can find ways to connect genuinely.

Embracing differences might mean trying to understand different opinions without judgement.  And it can be challenging as others might not be as dedicated to making changes as you are. 

At the end of the day, we are all human. We all experience fears, joys, and laughter in our own way. 

We may not all be the same, but that’s why it’s even more important to acknowledge and embrace these differences. They are what makes everyone special. 

You can explore these resources to learn more: 

Empathy – Accept Other For Who They Are

6 Steps For Building An Inclusive Workplace

11 Books To Read If You Want To Be A More Inclusive Leader

Teaching Kindness And Acceptance Toward Differences | For Parents 

How To Seek Out And Celebrate Diversity In And Out Of Your Community

Ways to Get Your Energy Back

Have you ever had one of those days that left you feeling emotionally and physically exhausted?

If you answered yes – you are not alone. We all have those days. 

We have more control over our energy than we give ourselves credit for. 

Just because you wake up one morning with low energy doesn’t mean that feeling will last the entire day. 

There are several little things you can do, starting from the moment you wake up that can help increase your energy – even if it’s just a little bit.

Remember To Smile

You know that saying fake it till you make it?

Well, smiling (even when you don’t feel like it) is the perfect example of that saying in action. 

Smiling can trick our brains into thinking we are happy and in a great mood. 

The next time you’re feeling drained or not your best, walk on over to your bathroom mirror and smile for 5 minutes. 

It may feel a little uncomfortable at first, but don’t knock until you try it. 

Take Your Time Getting Ready

Our morning routine can significantly impact the rest of our day.

Waking up ten minutes before you have to leave the house can be quite stressful and exhausting in itself.

Taking 30 minutes to an hour to take a long shower, pick out an outfit that makes you feel good and have a nice breakfast can help you walk into the day with a relaxed and upbeat mindset. 

Start Small

Not everything has to be done all at once. 

Knocking items off our list at a steady pace can help those more draining tasks feel simple and even fun.

The act of ticking items off of your list can be very motivating, which in turn can help increase our confidence and overall energy levels. 

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No One Is You And That Is Your Superpower

Here’s a quick question for you. 

What top three qualities do you love most about yourself?

Okay – now here is a second question. 

When was the last time you sat down and thought about all the amazing qualities you have? 

Sometimes we can forget to remind ourselves how much we have to offer.

No one is you, and that is your superpower. 

View Yourself With a Healthy Outlook 

We all have those days where it feels like nothing goes our way. 

Every “bad” day has the potential to turn into a great one. 

All it takes is a little perspective shifting. 

Even if something feels overwhelming or stressful right now, that does not mean you will feel this way forever.

Believe that you can handle anything – and you will! 

Listen To What Makes You Happy

Listing and respecting what makes you happy in life can significantly boost your self-esteem.

If reading just one chapter of a book makes you feel good, keep on doing it. 

There is no need to put excess pressure on yourself just to make someone else happy. 

Walking away from something that does not bring you joy is not quitting – it is respecting your time and wellbeing.

After all, the most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself.

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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When’s The Last Time You Had a Great Laugh?

Have you ever had one of those days where everything that could go wrong did?

You set your alarm for the wrong time…

Ran out of your favorite cereal…

And forgot to wash your only fancy shirt to wear to that important meeting…

Yup – those days are not fun, but we have them. 

When you want to lighten the mood, sometimes the best thing you can do is laugh it off. 

How, you may ask? Keep on reading. 

Change The Story You Tell Yourself

It isn’t always so easy to turn an embarrassing or tough situation around, but laughter has the power to boost our mood and change our perspective.

When something doesn’t go as planned, we have two choices.

We can either feel bad about it and let it impact our day.

Or, we can say to ourselves, “Yes – that happened, and everything is going to be okay. Let’s look for the humor in the situation.”

You Can Take On Anything

With laughter comes perspective. 

Sure, maybe you took a wrong turn and got lost, or accidentally spilled coffee all over your desk…

But we’re all human, and sometimes the unexpected happens. 

And you know what else? Those unexpected events usually turn out to be the best stories and memories. Being able to laugh at yourself and try again can give you a brand new sense of confidence. 

“Never be afraid to laugh at yourself, after all, you could be missing out on the joke of the century.” – Barry Humphries

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Happy & Healthy Relationship Habits

Every couple is unique, but when it comes to maintaining a healthy and happy relationship, some factors do overlap.

Letting Conversation Flow

Open communication is an important part of any relationship. It all comes down to feeling comfortable talking about anything and everything.

Being able to openly talk about light and heavy topics can help you learn about one another on a deeper level. 

It’s all about keeping the communication lines open and not holding anything back. 


Amongst mutual respect and acceptance, laughter can help make a couple stronger. Many years from now, you may not remember every activity you and your partner did together, but you will remember the laughter. 


Everyone deserves to feel heard and seen – and your partner is no exception. 

Paying attention to the small details can make the biggest difference. 

Authentically wanting to listen to your partner is one of the many ways you can show them you care. You may not always see eye to eye, and that’s okay. All you can do is listen and be there. 

Creating a Sense of Comfort 

Being able to relax and be yourself around your partner is so important. You should always stay true to who you are and do what makes you happy. There is only one you, and you should never feel like you have to change your interests, ideas or values to please someone else.

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Saying Yes to Yourself

Are you someone who has a hard time saying no? Do you feel like you constantly put others before yourself? 

Now, being generous, caring and kind are all fantastic qualities to have. 

However, saying yes to everyone around you can have you feeling emotionally and physically exhausted.

When you are constantly running around and doing things for everyone else, you can often forget to leave a little kindness for yourself. 

Only Take On What You Can Handle

The challenge with putting other people’s wants and needs ahead of your own is that you’re often the last on your list. 

If your friend asks you to edit their essay but you’re busy working away on your own – take time to reflect before responding. 

Will helping your friend prevent you from finishing your essay on time? 

If so, you may have to politely decline or offer to help once you’ve finished your own work. 

It’s okay to take a step back and be honest about what you realistically can and can’t handle. 

Practicing the art of saying “no” can get you more comfortable with saying it more often. 

Your Feelings Are Valid

Being told you are “wrong” is not a great feeling. 

Just because someone doesn’t see eye-eye with you doesn’t mean you are wrong. It just means you have a difference of opinion. Your feelings are valid and nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. 

Accept The Hard Times

It’s okay not to be okay! 

Sometimes when times are tough, we just have to roll with the punches and remind ourselves that this too shall pass. 

No matter what you say or do, conflict will arise at some point or another, and going out of our way to avoid it can be very exhausting. 

The more you practice, the more natural it will become to put yourself first. 

“If you try to please all, you please none” – Aesop

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Embracing Your Emotions & Letting Yourself Feel

Do any of these phrases sound familiar…

“There’s no need to cry.”

“Don’t be sad. This isn’t so bad.”

“Don’t cry.” 

So many of us have been told by friends and family to hold our emotions back, which can make us feel like we can’t express ourselves.

Even though holding back tears may feel like the “right” thing to do at the moment – holding our emotions in can prolong the healing process. 

Sadness Makes us Human 

Even though experiencing sadness, anger, anxiety, or fear typically isn’t fun, it is entirely normal. 

Sadness is a basic human emotion and is part of what makes us human.

Feelings come and go – but it’s important to have them.

If we didn’t experience sadness, we might not be able to understand and appreciate happiness. 

All of your experiences, both positive and negative, have helped transform you into who you are today.

Fighting Our Feelings

When we’re upset about something, it’s so easy to tell yourself and others that you are fine, when in reality, you are not.

Re-assuring yourself that you’ll be okay isn’t always enough to accept and move past negative feelings.

Take note of your emotions and remind yourself that your feelings are valid and it’s okay to have them.


Processing and experiencing feelings is part of being human. 

Life is a rollercoaster, and no two days are exactly the same.

Some days will be amazing. Some will be tough. And some will be somewhere in the middle.

We know it’s tough, but it’s what life is all about.

Whether you’re having a good, bad or in-between kind of day, it’s important to treat yourself with kindness and practise coping strategies.

There is no right or wrong way to cope with emotions.

It’s all about figuring out what works best for you. 

“The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it…” – Nicholas Sparks

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Remind Yourself – This Too Shall Pass

There is no secret recipe for dealing with anxiety since we all feel things in our own way.

But with that being said, there are several different techniques that can help you better understand, accept and overcome feelings of anxiety. 

Keep on reading to learn more. 

Let It Pass

Sometimes we can prolong our anxiety without even realizing it.

The more we think about something, the harder it is to stop. 

The next time you catch yourself feeling anxious, remind yourself that this feeling is only temporary and it will pass.

Here’s some homework for you. 

Think back to the last time you felt anxious…

1) What brought it on?

2) How did you react to it? 

3) Did you use any calming techniques?

4) How long did it take you to feel better?

Remember, you have overcome anxious feelings in the past, and you can do it again. 

Catch Yourself

You know yourself better than anyone.

It’s very normal to experience some pre-anxiety symptoms.  

Maybe you have difficulty concentrating, or maybe your palms start sweating.

It doesn’t matter what the symptoms are. All that matters is that you recognize them. 

Once you recognize them, you can stop whatever you’re doing at the moment and take some time to relax before things start to escalate. 

You can focus on your breathing, journal, take a walk or call a friend. 

Remember All The Things You Can Control

“We can’t control everything that happens to us, but we can control how we respond to things we can’t control.” – Avis J. Williams

There are so many things out there that we can’t control, and that’s okay!

We can’t control whether we get that promotion or what other people think of us.

But we can control our mindset, actions and attitude. Every event has a silver lining and something to teach us. Sometimes the lesson will find you, and sometimes you’ll have to find it.

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So Many Tasks, So Little Time

Do you ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in a day?

Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you work, your to-do list never seems to get finished?

You are not in that boat alone.

Here’s what to do.

Change The Stories You Tell Yourself

The next time you catch yourself, thinking “I have so much to do…”

Hit the pause button, and change the story you tell yourself.

Instead, try something more like this…

“I have a lot to get done today. I have had busy days in the past, and I will have more busy days in the future. I know I have what it takes, and I will succeed.”


We all have 168 hours a week to sleep, work, spend time with family and relax.

If you feel like your lists never get complete, you may be taking on too much.

You have to recognize what tasks can be delegated and which tasks need not be done at all.

Write It Out

You know that feeling when you have a task hanging over your head?

Yes, that is not a fun feeling. It makes it much harder to actually get things done because we’re so worried about what we may or may not forget.

No need to worry – there is an easy fix.

Whenever you’re feeling anxious by all your to-dos, pull out a piece of paper and jot down everything you’d like to get done that day.

There does not need to be any real order or structure. Your thoughts don’t even have to be written in full sentences. 

You are basically just getting all of your thoughts out of your head, and onto paper.

Once you’ve finished your rough notes, you can re-arrange them in order of priority. 

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