
Do We Really Thrive On Structure?

Let’s talk about structure, shall we? 

Having structure is more than just staying organized. 

Maintaining structure can build confidence and help you stay on track throughout the day. 

Have you ever had one of those days where you had a list a mile long and had no idea where to start?

We all have! 

Adding structure to your day may not be able to eliminate those moments completely…

But it can certainly help dial them down.  Remember – your entire day doesn’t have to be perfect. 

All you can do is start slow and work your way up at your own pace. 

Your Sleep Schedule

Shortcuts aren’t always a bad thing. But they do have their time and their place. 

Your sleep is one of those things that needs your undivided attention and should be taken seriously. 

When we are overtired, it is difficult to think clearly and put things in perspective, which can make it harder to make decisions throughout the day. 

Going to sleep and waking up at the same time can help take out the guesswork and keep your body on track. 

It all comes down to changing your mindset. Instead of telling yourself, you have to go to sleep, tell yourself it’s time to go to sleep. 

Sleep shouldn’t feel like a chore you have to do. It should feel like a treat! 

Reflection/Quiet Time

None of us are superheroes, and we all need some quiet time throughout the day. 

An uninterrupted moment free of distractions or overstimulating environments can help you to unplug and reflect. 

Let’s be honest. It can be difficult to relax and enjoy the moment when your phone is buzzing every 5 minutes

You deserve to have that time for yourself where you can think about what you’re grateful for and highlight all the ways you’ve made a mark on the day.

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The Twists And Turns of Parenting a Teen

There is no super-secret manual for parenting a teen, and it can certainly be a confusing time for the entire family. 

Here are a few tips that can help you get through the unexpected twists and turns of parenting a teen. 

Be Prepared

Being a teen is far from easy. Their brain is not fully developed, and everything from school to friendships to dating to figuring out who they are can be very stressful. 

It’s normal for teens to experience mood swings and say things they don’t mean in the heat of the moment. 

Being prepared and having a game plan ahead of time can be a big help. 

Pick Your Battles

All family members disagree from time to time. Life would be pretty boring if we all agreed on everything, right?

It’s only a matter of time until your teen does something you don’t think is wise, such as staying up too late on a school night or quitting an after-school activity.

Even though you may not agree with their decisions, sometimes the best thing you can do is let them be independent and learn from their mistakes first hand. 

Some of the best lessons happen through experiences. 

Realize And Empathize

Do you remember what it was like to be a teenager? 

Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. 

Getting into a fight with a friend or getting a bad grade on a test can be quite stressful. 

Now, you know that in a few days everything will be fine and back to normal…

But their mind may be spinning in several different directions, immediately jumping to the worst-case scenario. 

Do you remember what those days were like and how you felt?

When you are upset, hearing your parents say everything will be fine isn’t always enough.

If that’s the case, you can open up and let them know how you dealt with similar events when you were a teen and how feelings come and go.

Knowing that they are not alone can help put things in perspective. 

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No One Is You And That Is Your Superpower

Here’s a quick question for you. 

What top three qualities do you love most about yourself?

Okay – now here is a second question. 

When was the last time you sat down and thought about all the amazing qualities you have? 

Sometimes we can forget to remind ourselves how much we have to offer.

No one is you, and that is your superpower. 

View Yourself With a Healthy Outlook 

We all have those days where it feels like nothing goes our way. 

Every “bad” day has the potential to turn into a great one. 

All it takes is a little perspective shifting. 

Even if something feels overwhelming or stressful right now, that does not mean you will feel this way forever.

Believe that you can handle anything – and you will! 

Listen To What Makes You Happy

Listing and respecting what makes you happy in life can significantly boost your self-esteem.

If reading just one chapter of a book makes you feel good, keep on doing it. 

There is no need to put excess pressure on yourself just to make someone else happy. 

Walking away from something that does not bring you joy is not quitting – it is respecting your time and wellbeing.

After all, the most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself.

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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When’s The Last Time You Had a Great Laugh?

Have you ever had one of those days where everything that could go wrong did?

You set your alarm for the wrong time…

Ran out of your favorite cereal…

And forgot to wash your only fancy shirt to wear to that important meeting…

Yup – those days are not fun, but we have them. 

When you want to lighten the mood, sometimes the best thing you can do is laugh it off. 

How, you may ask? Keep on reading. 

Change The Story You Tell Yourself

It isn’t always so easy to turn an embarrassing or tough situation around, but laughter has the power to boost our mood and change our perspective.

When something doesn’t go as planned, we have two choices.

We can either feel bad about it and let it impact our day.

Or, we can say to ourselves, “Yes – that happened, and everything is going to be okay. Let’s look for the humor in the situation.”

You Can Take On Anything

With laughter comes perspective. 

Sure, maybe you took a wrong turn and got lost, or accidentally spilled coffee all over your desk…

But we’re all human, and sometimes the unexpected happens. 

And you know what else? Those unexpected events usually turn out to be the best stories and memories. Being able to laugh at yourself and try again can give you a brand new sense of confidence. 

“Never be afraid to laugh at yourself, after all, you could be missing out on the joke of the century.” – Barry Humphries

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Changing The Way You Look At Goal Setting

How many times have you started a goal just to end up forgetting about it a few weeks in? 

Instead of waiting for a special occasion, like New Year’s or your birthday to start that new project – just start and see what happens. 

Be Intentional 

Hitting the refresh button and starting all over again can be tempting, but often, it isn’t as easy as it sounds. Creating a habit or a routine takes more than hoping that things will change once that day comes. 

Instead of resolutions, try setting intentions. 

Intentions give you some more wiggle room and can take some of that pressure off.

An intention like “I will be more patient with others” gives you a less strict guideline that you can grow on more and more each day.

Put a Plan In Place

Making a solid plan could be the secret to making your goal become a reality. 

Take your intentions even further by breaking them down into small steps.

For example, if you want to learn a new language, you will need to get familiar with the basics first. 

After all, anything worthwhile doesn’t happen overnight. 

Prepare For Distractions

As much as you plan, sometimes life can get in the way. 

When plans pivot, let them!

 It’s okay to skip a day or two when you need a break as long as you don’t lose sight of the end game. 

“By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands – your own.” – Mark Victor Hansen

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Yes – Self Doubt Can Actually Be Helpful At Times

You know that little cloud of confusion that can sometimes block you from making decisions? That little cloud is called self-doubt, and if you let it, it can take over quickly. 

Now, self-doubt isn’t a bad thing. You just have to learn how to balance it.

That feeling of doubt can give you some time to think a decision through and see if it’s wise. 

However, too much of it can keep you jogging on the spot for far too long. 

See The Upside

Sometimes doubt can play a part in making a big decision. Seeing the silver lining and using your doubt-powers for good takes some practice, but it is attainable. 

When it comes to the big life choices, some doubt can help you evaluate them deeper. 

But don’t let it be the final decider. All you have to do is trust your gut. 

Challenge Your Fears

Call your self-doubt out and ask yourself why these feelings are flooding in. 

Is it because you don’t think you’re good enough? Or that you just have a bad feeling? Whatever the reason, challenge these fears.

Putting a name to the feelings that swirl around you will become more manageable in time. 

“If you don’t have some self-doubts and fears when you pursue a dream, then you haven’t dreamed big enough.” – Joe Vitale

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