
This One Tip Can Help Prevent Burnout

Even though burnout is preventable, it can sneak up on us when we least expect it.

Getting enough sleep and taking regular breaks is one of the most popular ways to prevent it. 

However, there is another method that is less talked about. 

It all comes down to adding structure to your day. 

Get Creative

Even if every day for you is incredibly different, you can still add structure to it. You’ll just have to get a little creative. 

Constantly moving on from task to task without some sort of a plan can be confusing and overwhelming. 

Every Decision Adds Up

First thing in the morning or before you go to sleep, spend a few minutes visualizing your ideal day in your mind.

What would you prepare for breakfast? How many meetings will you have, and when will they happen?

Again, this doesn’t have to be a set-in-stone system. 

But having somewhat of a rough idea can eliminate the need to make so many decisions under stress.

Studies show that the average adult makes around 35,000 choices per day! That is a huge number.

Small decisions such as what cereal you’d like for breakfast or what to wear to your Zoom meeting may seem pretty simple. But when you’re so exhausted or drained, every decision can be tough.

Planning out your day before decision fatigue hits in can help make your day run smoothly.

Time Flies

Have you ever had one of those days where one minute it was 10 AM and the next it was 3 PM?

Those days can be quite interesting. Time flies when you’re having fun or extremely busy. 

When we’re that busy, sometimes we can forget to check in with ourselves and see how we’re feeling.

We could be feeling stressed and not even realize it. Make an effort to check in with yourself a few times a day and ask yourself how you feel at that moment.

If you feel energized and productive, that’s amazing; keep going. 

But if you notice yourself feeling a little tired or stressed, it may be time to call it a day or take a much-needed break.

Catching these feelings early on can help prevent them from escalating to burnout.

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Remind Yourself – This Too Shall Pass

There is no secret recipe for dealing with anxiety since we all feel things in our own way.

But with that being said, there are several different techniques that can help you better understand, accept and overcome feelings of anxiety. 

Keep on reading to learn more. 

Let It Pass

Sometimes we can prolong our anxiety without even realizing it.

The more we think about something, the harder it is to stop. 

The next time you catch yourself feeling anxious, remind yourself that this feeling is only temporary and it will pass.

Here’s some homework for you. 

Think back to the last time you felt anxious…

1) What brought it on?

2) How did you react to it? 

3) Did you use any calming techniques?

4) How long did it take you to feel better?

Remember, you have overcome anxious feelings in the past, and you can do it again. 

Catch Yourself

You know yourself better than anyone.

It’s very normal to experience some pre-anxiety symptoms.  

Maybe you have difficulty concentrating, or maybe your palms start sweating.

It doesn’t matter what the symptoms are. All that matters is that you recognize them. 

Once you recognize them, you can stop whatever you’re doing at the moment and take some time to relax before things start to escalate. 

You can focus on your breathing, journal, take a walk or call a friend. 

Remember All The Things You Can Control

“We can’t control everything that happens to us, but we can control how we respond to things we can’t control.” – Avis J. Williams

There are so many things out there that we can’t control, and that’s okay!

We can’t control whether we get that promotion or what other people think of us.

But we can control our mindset, actions and attitude. Every event has a silver lining and something to teach us. Sometimes the lesson will find you, and sometimes you’ll have to find it.

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Feeling Irritable For No Reason?

Let us know if this sounds familiar…

You wake one morning feeling a little irritable, and your family catches on and asks why you’re grumpy…

Instead of letting them in, you respond, saying you’re fine and they are exaggerating. 

Denying how you’re feeling won’t help matters. In fact, it can even make you feel worse. Now, you don’t have to tell everyone you know how you’re feeling 24/7. However, you’d be surprised how therapeutic venting can be.

Even if there is nothing your friend or family member can do, talking does help. 

Think About The Reason Behind Your Irritability 

Sometimes an event can make us irritable, such as accidentally burning your meal or breaking something. But that’s not always the case.

Sometimes we can feel frustrated or upset and not even know why. 

It’s possible something or someone in your life is causing you stress, but it hasn’t fully sunk in yet.  If you’re not sure and would like to find out, try looking for patterns. Is there a certain time or day of the week you catch yourself feeling irritable?

If so, take some time to reflect. 

Here’s an example. If you catch yourself feeling irritable late at night or early in the morning, that may be a sign you aren’t getting enough sleep. 

Take a Break

Almost everything takes longer and feels much harder when you’re frustrated. When you’re not feeling your best, generally the best thing you can do is call it a day. 

Now, calling it a day is not the same thing as quitting. It’s simply a matter of listening to your body and understanding its limits.

Change Your Thoughts

When something isn’t going your way, it’s so easy to let negative thoughts take over.

Here’s something for you to think about…

Which of the following thoughts do you think would help you feel better faster?

“I can’t believe I slept through this meeting. My team must be so disappointed in me. What if I get fired?”


“So, I slept in this morning and missed my meeting. I am going to call my boss and apologize. I think I will go to sleep early tonight so I can get up early tomorrow.”

In both scenarios, the person slept in and missed their meeting, which can be frustrating… that is, if you let it be. 

Looking at the facts and challenging negative thoughts may not be able to eliminate irritability completely. But it can certainly take the edge off.

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Kids Yoga: Movement & Mindfulness Webinar for K – 5th Grade

This class is no longer occuring, but you may find videos of previous classes on our You Tube channel

A weekly live webinar with Jen Champion for kindergarten to 5th graders to help them become more aware of their emotions as well as working on ways to calm themselves.  She will guide children through age appropriate breathing, meditation and movement exercises to help find calm balance and inner peace during times of stress.

Movement is geared toward all fitness levels and can be done standing or seated for children who need modifications.


Kids Yoga: Movement & Mindfulness Webinar for 6th -12th Graders

This class is no longer occuring, but you may find videos of previous classes on our You Tube channel

A weekly live webinar with Jen Champion.  She will utilize some simple yoga poses paired with mindfulness techniques to help middle school to high school aged students work on decreasing stress and becoming more aware of their emotions and ways to sooth themselves.

We all have the opportunity to be well-balanced individuals, especially in the midst of a pandemic that asks us to remain at home in relative isolation.  Jen will utilize use easy yoga techniques to decrease stress and develop friendliness, compassion, and clarity. Jen has worked with yoga students from ages 1 to 100 for the past 18 years. She loves yoga and provides genuine care, encouraging students to observe themselves without judgment. With her guidance, students will reap the benefits of their practice both on and off the yoga mat.


How to Beat Negativity According to Science

The truth is, we all have negative thoughts sometimes, and that is completely normal.

However, too much of anything is not healthy.

When we do the same thing for so long, it can become a habit.

Some habits can be tough to break – but if you put the work in, anything is possible.

Deconstruct Your Negativity

Our thoughts truly are so powerful.

The stories we tell ourselves can significantly impact how we think, act and feel.

If we go into a situation assuming something bad will happen, chances are it will.

“Every day may not be good… but there’s something good in every day” ― Alice Morse Earle

The next time you catch yourself stuck in a negative mindset hit the pause button and question your thoughts.

Here are a couple of prompts that can help get you started.

1) What can this situation teach me?

2) How can I transform this negative feeling into a positive one?

Find Healthy Distractions

Have you ever had one of those days where your mind just couldn’t stop racing?

It’s happened to almost all of us, especially after a stressful day.

The longer we think about negative emotions, the more intense they tend to become.

Now, you shouldn’t ignore your feelings and hold them in. That can actually make things worse. However, you can take that energy and put it towards something that’s good for your well-being. You can dance, go for a run or take a walk.

Practice Gratitude​

Practicing gratitude can help remind us just how lucky we are.

Not every negative event is actually as bad as it feels at the moment. You just have to keep reminding yourself that. Feelings are not facts, and just because you feel something doesn’t make it true.

If you’re having a tough time getting started, here are a few prompts that can help. 

1) What went well today?

2) What did you learn today?

3) What everyday item makes your life easier?

You can either write your thoughts down or think about them in your mind. There are no right or wrong answers.


“Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.” – Mark Black

When in doubt – just relax! When we’re overtired or stressed, things tend to feel way worse than they actually are. 

Going to bed earlier than usual or getting lost in a good show can instantly transform your mood. 

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You Can Still Network During COVID-19 – Here’s How

Networking events are a fantastic way to meet like-minded people, grow your network and hand out business cards. 

As you know, in-person networking events and conferences have been put on hold for almost nine months now.

Just because we can’t actually get together with people face-to-face does not mean networking is off the table. 

We just have to go about it in a slightly different way. 

Keep on reading to learn how you can safely network during COVID-19.

Log Into Zoom Events Early:

Several speakers have been organizing virtual events via Zoom during the pandemic.

However, having solid one on one conversations via Zoom events isn’t always an option.

That is if you join the event on time…

A great way to sneak in some one on one time with the speaker is by attending the event 5 – 10 minutes early.

Chances are, the speaker will already be logged in to ensure everything is set up correctly.

You can take that opportunity to introduce yourself and even ask them a question if they have time. 

Follow Up:

Forming solid relationships takes time, energy and effort.

The simple act of following up only takes a few minutes but delivers results! 

Keep in mind, your follow up techniques don’t have to be fancy. 

A couple of days after the first meeting, you can send them a short and sweet email thanking them for their time and advice.

And about 2 – 4 weeks later, you can email them again to touch-base.

Be Active On Social Media:

Posting on social media is amazing, but it’s not always enough to form solid relationships with like-minded people.

Networking online does take some time and energy, but it will be well worth it in the long run.

Taking even 10 minutes out of your day to like and comment on popular content can help get your name out there. 

Don’t be afraid to start conversations with people who don’t know. Every friendship and business relationship has to start somewhere!

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Practices to Prevent Holiday Stress

Time certainly does fly, and the holiday season will be here before we know it.

You know what they say. The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. 

But they can also be quite stressful. Everything from sending holiday cards to finding the ‘perfect’ gift can bring on anxiety. 

The good news is, there are several tips and tricks that can help make the holiday season less stressful.

Keep on reading to learn more.

Set Priorities: 

Even though this year our holiday events will be smaller and/or take place virtually, we still need to set priorities. 

We only have so many hours in a day and can only attend so many virtual events without feeling burned out. 

Don’t be afraid to politely decline events if you ever feel like you have too much on your plate. 

Set a Schedule: 

When life gets busy, we can often forget to take breaks or differentiate between high priority and low priority tasks.

Some tasks should be completed before others. And some tasks don’t even need to be completed at all.

As we stated earlier, everything from sending cards to buying gifts to preparing meals can be exhausting. 

We all have our own focus style. Some people prefer doing difficult tasks all in one sitting. 

While others prefer breaking up difficult tasks and slowly working on them throughout the day.

It all comes down to what works best for you. 

Take Shortcuts If You Can:

Holiday traditions are not an all or nothing thing.

Never feel guilty about putting yourself first. If you’re ever at a virtual event and too exhausted to stay until the end, you can always leave a little bit early. 

Self-care is important all year round. If you have a feeling the holidays may be a bit stressful this year, there is no need to worry.

Simply listen to your body and carve out some extra me-time. 

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